
Kintsukuroi (金繕い): The Agony of Forbidden Romance [4K Visualizer]✨🍃📡👽

2024-11-30 15 Dailymotion

*Headphones HIGHLY recommended. A guided experience is written in the description*
This visualizer is part of a larger interdisciplinary art installation called "Der Arzt...Natürlich" and is played on a continuous loop. It is also a part of the "Dua no di Kintsukuroi" project. View more visualizers from these projects on https: // bit.ly /VisualsAndSounds
It is accompanied by the following text:

This work is dedicated to all those who have experienced the pain of an impossible love due to it being forbidden. In this context, 'forbidden love' refers to an otherwise healthy, safe and nonincentuous romantic love that is only forbidden due to religious dogma, cultural differences, skin color, etc.

Cultural stories regarding eclipses resonate with this theme of an 'impossible love' that lovers must transcend.

Although there are different variations of these myths, both the Japanese story and the Tahitian story about the Sun and the Moon being lovers are quite beautiful.

Check out the rest of these interesting myths about eclipses:

http: // bit.ly /4i5DvWN
For those who'd like more guidance on how to experience this work, here's a note from the composer:

If you've already listened through at least once, great! if not, please do so first before I take you a little deeper. Hopefully, you applied the words written on the title card to the music as you were listening. If not, please do so now. (Imagine where the shifts in the music occur.)

Awesome. Now that you've done that, notice how you feel right now.

I want to specifically highlight the flute solo in this piece. The musician played it beautifully with subtle vibrato; however, I wanted to recreate the experience of the flute from the perspective of the player. Something that's interesting is that as you are playing the flute, it is very close to your ear so the vibrato sounds much louder. I used a classic phaser filter to enhance the effect, which is why headphones are highly recommended.

The vibrato is the wave-like sound that you hear under the elongated notes. It gives life to the music by changing a flat, elongated note into a wavy line...kinda like an EKG monitor. To better experience this inner life force, close your eyes while listening to it. Inhale and exhale with each change of the musical note. (Inhale on the first note and exhale on the second...and so on.)

How do you feel now?
Visuals and Original Music:
Maeva (My•ĒĒĒ•vuh)
IG: Maeva_TheArtist

Sonically Bittersweet
IG: SonicallyBittersweet

Maeva Asare
IG: MaevaAsare